Establish, manage, maintain, own, administer, promote and subsidize educational institutions, computer literacy centers, schools, colleges, institutions for study and research in the field of telecommunications and related sciences; and other educational institutions with the permission of a competent authority but not to act as a degree awarding institute.
To provide scholarships to students and grant aid including supply of books, stipends, medals, prizes, grants, awards , medicines, educational career support, and other incentives for purposes of advancement of knowledge, education and literacy in the field of telecommunications and related sciences and to support ICT centric projects, but not to act as a degree awarding institute.
To establish, own, maintain, erect, construct, furnish, equip, promote, organize, manage and run institutions for special education, and to provide grants and facilities for education and training of persons who are physically or mentally handicapped.
Develop and provide telecommunications kits for donation to welfare organizations and deserving individuals and to donate equipment to universities and other educational institutions for research.
Enable provision of proper medical attention, nursing, food, medicine, drugs and special appliances of a medical, surgical, pharmaceutical or other nature for physically or mentally handicapped individuals.
To aid, aid, assist, set up, maintain, administer and run hospitals, nursing homes, mother and child care centers, clinics, dispensaries, immunization and vaccination centers and other places of medical aid.
To collect defective mobile hand – sets for repairing and recycling and then to donate the same to the needy.
Disaster Relief
To establish, maintain, run, manage and administer aid programs providing relief and help to the needy, the poor and the destitute and grant relief donation for and during calamities and to undertake such charitable and philanthropic activities, which would assist and benefit mankind and to work for alleviation of human sufferings from catastrophes.
Projects proposals that we do not support:
- Individual initiatives (not backed by an organization)
- Projects that do not clearly belong to the main areas outlined as areas of support
- Project applications that reach Jazz Foundation by way of Jazz employees personally
- Organizations or institutions already receiving support from another part of Jazz
- Contributions to political campaigns or projects or to organizations with high political exposure
- Projects requiring supplementary financing in order to achieve their goals